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Community Impact


500+ Teammates

Already helping to build
Healthier Tomorrows


Over $160,000

Raised to date for our Community Partners

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About the Charities

Together, we are committed to building Healthier Tomorrows for more Canadians by nurturing Healthy Bodies and Healthy Minds:

  • Healthy Bodies – removing barriers for more neighbours to access healthy and affordable food
  • Healthy Minds – helping children and families access mental health support early

These incredible charities are working hard each day to make Healthier Tomorrows possible in our local communities.

Kids Help Phone

Kids Help Phone


What is the primary focus of your organization? Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 national, free, e-mental health service for young people, offering bilingual professional counselling, crisis support, clinically-based…

Feed Nova Scotia

Feed Nova Scotia

Nova Scotia

While we help people to meet the immediate need for food today, we're also increasingly focused on awareness and advocacy efforts, knowing that people aren't food insecure because they don't…

La Tablee des Chefs

La Tablee des Chefs


La Tablée des Chefs’ mission can be summed up in two words: Feed. Educate. Feed today, to fight against food insecurity, and educate young people to develop their food autonomy.…

Food Depot Alimentaire

Food Depot Alimentaire

New Brunswick

Food Depot Alimentaire (FDA) is a registered, non-profit charitable organization that serves food banks, community kitchens, school programs and other supportive agencies across New Brunswick. Their primary functions include food…

Special Olympics New Brunswick

Special Olympics New Brunswick

New Brunswick

Special Olympics New Brunswick part of one of the world’s most powerful and effective movements, one that forever changes the way people with an intellectual disability are perceived and treated.…

The Community Food Sharing Association

The Community Food Sharing Association

Newfoundland & Labrador

The Community Food Sharing Association is the pivotal agency for food distribution to the hungry in Newfoundland and in Labrador. A registered charity, the Community Food Sharing Association is governed…

Special Olympics Newfoundland

Special Olympics Newfoundland

Newfoundland & Labrador

Special Olympics Newfoundland and Labrador is dedicated to enriching the lives of Newfoundlanders and Labradorians with an intellectual disability through sports. There is a place for everyone with an intellectual…

Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation

Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation

Newfoundland & Labrador

The Janeway Children’s Hospital Foundation was created to meet the financial needs of the Janeway Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Centre. The foundation raises funds to support capital projects, equipment, research,…

The Upper Room Hospitality Ministry Inc.

The Upper Room Hospitality Ministry Inc.

Prince Edward Island

The Upper Room Hospitality Ministry Inc. is a non-profit organization that operates a food bank and soup kitchen as a way to meet some of the food needs of their…

Charity curve